Bubanj and the rising of Copper Age central places

Oven model found in grave 20 of the Early Bronze Age cemetery at Ranutovac – Meanište (©A. Bulatović)
Oven model found in grave 20 of the Early Bronze Age cemetery at Ranutovac – Meanište (© A. Bulatović)


This key study area strikingly exemplifies the need and purpose of the visual presentation and preservation since one of the included archaeological sites does not exist anymore physically. The tell-settlement Bubanj near Niš, eponymous for the Copper Age culture in this part of Europe, was devastated already in the early 20th century by the rail section, after that severely bombed in WWII and destroyed in the course of road construction in 1960s. The long-term excavations provided an enormous amount of data regarding architecture and settlement structure (houses, fortifications, and activity zones), material culture and subsistence (botanic and zoological analysis).The detailed digital reconstruction will revive the site, compile the results from previous excavations, and thus elucidate the emergence and development of this extraordinary central place in the Balkans. Included in this part of the project are also contemporary sites Velika Humska Čuka (settlement) and Ranutovac-Meanište (necropolis with cremation burials).

Project objectives

  • Visualization of long-term research of the tell-settlement of Bubanj
  • isualization of research of the settlement at Velika Humska Čuka and the necropolis of Ranutovac-Meanište
  • Integration of former Austrian and new Serbian results


Digital elevation model of the remains of the Tell at Bubanj and the recent excavation area <br>(© Ivanišević et al. 2015 (B. Иванишевић – И. Бугарски – A. Булатовић, Фотограметпијцко снимање налазишта Бубањ, Glasnik Društva konzervatora Srbije 39, 2015, 53–56.))
Early Eneolithic copper chisel found in structure 2/16 at Velika humska ćuka (© A. Bulatović)
Bubanj, Serbia, view on the excavation area from the west after excavations from 2008 to 2014 (© A. Bulatović)
Structure 25-27 at Bubanj, dating to Early Eneolithic (© A. Bulatović)